At the end of July 2018, I started a personal 45 Day Challenge inspired by Bob Proctor's 14 Point Checklist with a few additional tools and adaptations to suit my lifestyle. I watched a few of  Bob Proctor's videos and invested in two books he said changed his life:

  • The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles (I bought Trilogy)

  • The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale

In short, I could see that SO many people would benefit if this was adapted for ‘The Life You Want to Live’ with extra daily motivation and support.

A few things struck me:

  • This material is very business focused.

While I'm comfortable with this given my background, several of my friends who do not see themselves as business people or who currently are focused on 'working in their homes' were not drawn to use the material which is equally valid in every area of our lives.

  • Not everyone takes the initiative to use such material on their own.

When I find something new or a new twist on material I am familiar with, I'm like a dog with a bone! I make a plan. I make a commitment to myself. I put it in my diary. If necessary, I make a chart...and I GET ON WITH IT! I assumed everyone else around me was the same until I chatted with a few friends and suggested they do the challenge with me.... While they could see the benefits they just weren't motivated to put in the effort... on their own!

  • SO i decided to take the core principles add some tools i already use myself, condense everything into a simple, gentle & FUN, user friendly 20 minute a day experience with the power to change lives.

    And the rest…is HISTORY!

321 FOCUS STARTS AGAIN on november 16th.

321 Focus November 2023
Sign Up Now!

Interested for another time? Join the list and I’ll email you when 321 Focus is starting again!

Disclaimer: *Please note the level of transformation you experience will depend on your commitment to yourself and Divine Timing. I cannot guarantee your results from doing this challenge. You do this challenge at your own risk and are fully responsible for your own actions and their outcomes during and after the challenge. 

Young professional for website Sept 2021.png

321 Focus came
at a time when
I've been struggling with some upheaval in my life and needed some grounding.

I enjoyed taking part in Maria's wonderful 321 Focus proramme immensely. Being a believer in the Law of Attraction but someone who often loses focus on it, 321 kept in line with my core beliefs and reinvigorated me with new ways of manifesting.

321 Focus came at a time when I've been struggling with some upheaval in my life and needed some grounding. The meditations and daily affirmation and gratitude were especially helpful for this. I think my favourite part was releasing bad emotions from a recent situation in the breakthrough series. It was something I really needed to do and I think I am finally starting to let go.

Thank you so much, Maria, for making this course readily available.

'I am ready to be ALL that I am!'

Young Professional, Dublin.